Callejeritos San Jerónimo
Calle Tomás Katari Lote C Número 3, San Sebastián , Cusco

We need your help! 

Down below you can find a list of things the shelter needs. Take a look and see if you can support us with any of the items! If you have any items for the shelter come on by and you can also see the dogs! 


- Dog food (any kind) 

- Meat (chicken, beef, pork..)

- Rice

- Pasta

- Buns/bread

- Vegetables (potato, sweet potato, carrots, peas..)


- Amoxicilina

- Gaseovet

- Prednisolona

- Violeta

- Meloxicam

- Ido safe

- Aqua oxigenada

- Anti pulgas

- Pastillas para desparasitar 

- Insecticida practi-can

Cleaning supplies: 

- Dish soap

- Brooms + scoops

- Hand soap

- Hand sanitizer


- Balls

- Ropes


- Blankets

- Towels

- Mattresses 

- Food/water bowls 

- Leashes 

- Harnesses 

- Shampoo